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Find My Wine App

The Problem...

With so many wines to choose from how does one decide?  What type of grape? Sweet, dry, oaky, spice? 


Would a mobile app help with the decision process?

Verify with User Surveys

To see if this was a problem I conducted surveys both in person and online.  The results showed that there was a desire for a mobile app.  Not only to help select a wine but also to provide information to increase wine knowledge.

Competitive Analysis

Now that I had confirmed there was a desire for such an app I reviewed what other apps were out there and what could be done to improve the user experience.



Who is going to use this app?  Based on the surveys there was a wide range of user types.  There were people who knew very little about wine (other than they liked it) to people who knew a fair amount.  To make sure I kept the end user at the forefront I created 4 different personas.


With the personas established I began creating userflows for each of them.  This in turn would help during the sketching and prototyping process.



I began sketching some ideas for the layout of the app.  When I had my ideas fleshed out I moved into wireframing and prototyping. 


I wireframed the app in Axure and from there built in some basic functionality to create a prototype.  I was then able to take this to users and get their feedback.  Through this user testing I iterated several times on the prototypes.



Wireframes & Prototypes
Card Sort

A card sorting exercise was done to help group ways people describe wine - from color, to taste, smell, type of fruit, etc.

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